Miracle Cover Family of Products

Absolutely the best water repellents on the market today. Last longer, protects better, and is environmentally safe. 

Miracle Cover

Miracle Cover

“Miracle Cover is our flagship product. It is an all-purpose water based, environmentally safe, non-toxic, non-flammable liquid sealant that has a multiplicity of uses and comes with our 5/20 Year Guarantee. We can be confident of our guarantee because Miracle Cover is ultimately inorganic silicone rubber, it can’t be broken down by water, salt, acid, Chlorine or UV rays. Due to its odorless non-toxic properties it is ideal for indoor and outdoor applications. If you want your surface to be water resistant, one coat of Miracle Cover will do the trick as it becomes one with your substrate and last for years. It provides low maintenance costs, fewer material replacements and necessary recoats since the product is long lasting. It will not yellow, chip, peel, crack, fade or discolor.

Water and Liquid Repellent – Miracle Cover is a one component white liquid with silicone rubber dispersion which, when applied according to specifications, seals porous surfaces making them resistant to penetration by water and other liquids with little or no change in color or appearance. It usually dries to the touch in minutes and will fully cure within 24 hours.

Miracle Cover has material flexibility after curing, which allows for expansion and contraction, building movement, and temperature extremes from -70° to +400° Fahrenheit. This feature prevents freeze, thaw, peeling, cracking and sprawling of your protected surface. This product has 5% solids which is absolutely sufficient for the vast majority of applications.

Miracle Cover is sold in Quarts, Gallons, 5 gallon Buckets, 55 Gallon Drums and 275 Gallon totes”


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“Miracle Cover is a inorganic synthetic silicone rubber product. As a result of these properties it is non-toxic, containing no harmful petrochemical or other toxic ingredients. It offers all weather protection and resists water, mildew, mold, insects, rain damage, dry rot, stains, and all the other harsh chemicals. Miracle Cover is not a surface coating product, it actually becomes part of the substrate, allowing it to “breath” to remove water, salts and chemicals, which cause damage to the substrate and sealer. This, along with its tremendous 400% elasticity prevents freeze, thaw, peeling, cracking and sprawling.

Miracle Cover dries to a clear finish and enhances the color of the surface being coated. It can be added to all paints (including epoxy) and eliminates the need for a primer coat because it acts as an bonding agent adhesive as well as paint additive. This process of adding 1 cup per gallon can double the life of any paint, stain, varnish. You can always apply it over existing painted or treated surfaces for added protection.

One of the best features of Miracle cover is that it is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and non-flammable. It is so versatile that only lack of imagination limits its ability to protect our property and valuables. Whatever it is that you would like protected from water damage Miracle Cover can be applied.

Miracle Cover Performance

Our 5/20 year Guarantee

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5-Year Warranty:

MIRACLE COVER warrants to the original purchaser this product to be free of defects in material and manufacturing for a period of five years from the date of purchase and/or manufacture. In the event of a claim for warranty, MIRACLE COVER will replace the product free of charge, including freight, or at its option, issue a refund to the purchaser as evidenced by the purchaser’s receipt

20-Year Guarantee:

Miracle Cover guarantees that the product, when applied properly, in accordance with the manufactures directions, will last on the substrate for 20 years, minus any undue abrasion occurring naturally or manmade. (Example: When applied to a fiberglass or metal hull of a marine vessel that is used in salt water, the salt water acts as sandpaper which will eventually “sand” off the product from the hull. Though this may take some time to accomplish, depending on use and knots traveled, the abrasion of the vessel moving through the salt water will deteriorate the product. Silicone Rubber was invented during WW2 (1943) and since that time it has not naturally deteriorated.


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Typical Uncured Properties: Appearance and Odor : White liquid with very mild odor
Specific Gravity: (H O-1): 1.0 Solubility in Water: Soluble VOC less water than 25 grams per liter Vapor Pressure: (mm Hg): N/A Vapor Density: (Air – 1) +1 Percent Volatiles: None
Boiling Point : Degrees 212 Fahrenheit Evaporation Rate : (Butyl Acetate – 1) Melting Point : N/A PH : 7 – 8 Solids by Weight : Regular: 6 – 8%, Marine: 12 – 16%, Graffiti Guard: 30 – 32%
Typical Cured Properties:
Initial Cure: 1.5 hours Full Cure: 24 – 48 hours depending on substrate and weather conditions ASTM D412: Elongation 325%
ASTM E96: Water vapor transmission .017 grains/hour/foot cubed Permeability: .04 (Perm) UV Resistance: Excellent

See product safety data sheet here.

Surface Coverage

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Application                           Est. Sq. Ft.

Aggregate                              175

Asphalt                                  300

Awnings (Fabric)                  250

Block                                      150

Brick                                       150

Canvas                                               250

Concrete                                200

Decks (wood)                                    150

Fiberglass                             300

Fencing (wood)                    150

Granite                                  150

Leather/Vinyl                                    400

Marble                                               250

Masonary                              250

Metal Surfaces                     400

Pavers                                                100

Plastics                                              250

Patios (concrete)                  200

Stucco                                     100

Stone                                      175

Tile                                         275

Wood                                     250

Wood Shingles                     200

product substrate


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Garden Sprayer – use on vertical or horizontal surfaces. Excess    liquid should be brushed into  the sur face or wiped off with a clean cloth.

Airless Sprayer – Should be performed by an experienced applicator. Improper application could led to thin or uneven coating which could affect the performance or the product. Wipe off excess with sponge or clean cloth.

Roller – Roller with 1” of nap or greater is recommended for horizontal surfaces. Vertical application is not recommended but can be performed. Back roll for better penetration and wipe off excess with cleancloth or sponge.

Brush – Very effective way of applying to any surface. For best penetration saturate the substrate and use good quality, thick bristle or cloth brush.

  • Always apply to a clean surface.
  • Repair any cracks in structure before application.
  • New concrete should be cured enough to walk or drive on before application.
  • Cover surrounding plants and objects to protect from over spray. Should they come in contact with product simply wash off with water.
  • It is always recommended that you test an inconspicuous spot before complete application.
  • Replace cap tightly for storage of unused portion of Miracle Cover.



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Respiratory Protection: None required

                  Ventilation: None
                  Protective Gloves: Any rubber glove
                  Eye Protection: Chemical splash goggles or safety glasses
                  Other Protection: Clothing or equipment
                  Work/Hygienic Practices: Keep body contact and splash to a minimum; Use in a ventilated area            unless   recommended respiratory protection is used

                  Spill Procedure: Use sponges or mops to put liquid in container. Allow water to evaporate from              the container.   Solids are non-toxic. Clean all equipment with soap and water. If product has cured clean with mineral spirits             or paint thinner.
                  Waste Disposal: Dispose solids in usual trash.
                  Precautions to be taken in handling and storage: Avoid freezing and temperatures over 100 Degees   Fahrenheit

                  Emergency and First Aid Procedures:

                                    Eyes: Flush with water
                                    Skin: Wash with soap and water
                                    Ingestion: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, GET MEDICAL ATTENTION

                  Fire Hazard: None. Non-Flamable


                  See “Safety Data Sheet” for detailed information here

Bulk pricing available.


Miracle Cover Marine

Now boat owners can have long lasting protection from destruction by water, algae, barnacles, moss, rust, oils, and ultraviolet rays. Your boat can glide through the water with increased speed, MIRACLE COVER MARINE is found to give an extra 2 -3 knots to the average vessel. Hulls clean up with ease, no more dry docking for routine maintenance, nothing permanently sticks to the Silicone rubber.

Made specifically for Mariners, though it also has many other uses, MIRACLE COVER MARINE saves not only material cost but labor cost as well. MIRACLE COVER MARINE has all the properties of Miracle Cover but has 10% solids to aid in protection from harsh marine weather and use. Many have found applying two coats gives all the more protection against the salt air and water found in coastal locations.

Does It All:

It is guaranteed to protect any porous surface up to 20 years.
It is an environmentally safe, non-toxic, water-based formula.
It is easy to apply with a brush, sprayer, or roller.
It is recommended and used by boat yards, marinas, boat manufacturers, and owners.

Many have found Miracle Cover Marine perfect for Non-Marine applications. Due to the increased level of solids (10%) it is used for areas that have standing water that is constantly against the surface of the substrate. Great for pond and pool protection. Commercially it is used for sealing saunas and Jacuzzi decks and supports. If you want extra protection in high moisture areas Miracle Cover Marine may be for you.

Miracle Cover Marine Protects:

Wood (especially Teak), sails, hull, fiberglass, metal, leather, boat trailers, counter tops, rubber, cables, canvas, cloth, decks, galley, ropes, buoys, upholstery, tile and grout, nylon, carpets, awnings, covers, inflatables and more.


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MIRACLE COVER MARINE is a water based, two coat silicone rubber solution. When properly applied, it seals porous surfaces making them resistant to penetration by water or other liquids while allowing air to permeate the coating. There is no need for maintenance or seasonal recoats that are typically required with other conventional water repellents. MIRACLE COVER MARINE will substantially prolong the life, beauty, and usefulness of any surface and has our 5/20 Year guarantee. The value of your boat demands the protection of MIRACLE COVER MARINE. It is easy to apply. You can do it yourself or have your boat yard do it at your next maintenance period.


MIRACLE COVER MARINE is now available in quart, gallon, 5-gallon, and 55-gallon units.


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  • MIRACLE COVER MARINE produces a clear penetrating film which does not discolor or degrade when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  • MIRACLE COVER MARINE provides maximum water repellency for any porous surface and helps protect them from salt spray and acid rain.
  • MIRACLE COVER MARINE can be mixed with paints and epoxy. When mixing with paints, the mixture is one cup of MIRACLE COVER MARINE for every gallon of paint. When mixing with epoxy, the mixture is one quart of MIRACLE COVER MARINE for every gallon of epoxy.

Our 5/20 Year Guarantee

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5-Year Warranty:

MIRACLE COVER warrants to the original purchaser this product to be free of defects in material and manufacturing for a period of five years from the date of purchase and/or manufacture. In the event of a claim for warranty, MIRACLE COVER will replace the product free of charge, including freight, or at its option, issue a refund to the purchaser as evidenced by the purchaser’s receipt.

20-Year Guarantee:

Miracle Cover guarantees that the product, when applied properly, in accordance with the manufactures directions, will last on the substrate for 20 years, minus any undue abrasion occurring naturally or manmade. (Example: When applied to a fiberglass or metal hull of a marine vessel that is used in salt water, the salt water acts as sandpaper which will eventually “sand” off the product from the hull. Though this may take some time to accomplish, depending on use and knots traveled, the abrasion of the vessel moving through the salt water will deteriorate the product. Silicone Rubber was invented during WW2 (1943) and since that time it has not naturally deteriorated

Surface Coverage:

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Material Square Feet
Fiberglass 150
Metal 200
Sails (Canvas & Vinyl) 100
width=”200″Wood (All Types) 100
Decks (Above & Below) 150
Hull (Wood, Fiberglass, Metal) 150
Tile (Showers & Counters) 200
Leather 150
Cloth / Upholstery 150
Ropes 100
Galley 200
Rubber 200
Awing (Canvas & Vinyl) 100

Bulk pricing available.

Miracle Cover Graffiti Guard

Miracle Cover

Graffiti Guard

You will agree, one of the biggest problems facing most large cities is how to clean up the Graffiti that defaces many of their buildings and transportation systems.

We have come up with a solution that is “Graffiti Guard.” No More:

  • Sandblasting
  • Repainting
  • Toxic Chemicals
  • Hard Labor

Protecting street signs, billboards, trolleys, buildings, subways or school walls, cars or transportation vehicles, “Graffiti Guard,” with its multiplicity of uses, is your choice. You and your city can rid itself of the unsightly graffiti with minimum amount of effort in a cost effective way.

GRAFFITI GUARD” has an astounding 20% solids and as a result it,

  • Inhibits graffiti penetration
  • Beautifies original finish
  • Extends life of surface
  • Is easy to apply – affordable
  • Seals out water and liquids
  • Is low maintenance
  • Is backed by our 5/20 Year guarantee

Like all Miracle Cover products, has a multiplicity of uses and is environmentally safe! If you want MAXIMUM silicone rubber protection this product may be for you. Please consult Miracle Cover or sales representative for proper applications.

MIRACLE COVER GRAFFITI GUARD is available in quart, gallon, 5-gallon, and 55-gallon units.

What Is MIRACLE COVER Graffiti Guard?:

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Your city will love it! “Graffiti Guard” is an Extra Strength one component white liquid with silicone rubber dispersion which, when applied according to specifications, seals porous surfaces making them resistant to penetration by water and other liquids with little or no change in color or appearance. It is non-toxic, inorganic, environmentally safe, and a water based solution that is unaffected by damaging UV rays and dries clear without cracking or yellowing. It’s high concentration of rubber will allow it to fill extremely small cracks and voids in porous surfaces and will continue to protect the Substrate or Painted surface after removal of graffiti. Thus allowing the removal of graffiti with an approved cleaner and low pressure water rinse without sacrificing the anti-graffiti barrier.

Surface Coverage:

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Material Sq/Ft/Gal Material Sq/Ft/Gal
Aggregate 175 Leather 250
Asphalt 175 Masonry 200
Awnings 250 Patio 200
Block 150 Metal Surface 250
Brick 150 Plastic 250
Concrete 200 Stone 250
Canvas 200 Stucco 175
Decks 175 Tile 200
Fencing 150 Wood 150

Our 5/10 Year Guarantee

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5-Year Warranty:

MIRACLE COVER warrants to the original purchaser this product to be free of defects in material and manufacturing for a period of five years from the date of purchase and/or manufacture. In the event of a claim for warranty, MIRACLE COVER will replace the product free of charge, including freight, or at its option, issue a refund to the purchaser as evidenced by the purchaser’s receipt.

10-Year Guarantee:

The Guarantee has been modified for the Graffiti Guard product. Due to the excessive abrasion used in removing graffiti, Miracle Cover guarantees that the product, when applied properly, in accordance with the manufactures directions, will last on the substrate for 10 years, minus any undue abrasion occurring naturally or manmade.

All other limitations and proceedures found in the “5/20 year Guarantee” apply.


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Apply Miracle Cover “GRAFFITI GUARD” to any clean or painted surface and simply wash the graffiti off when it occurs with high pressure water spray (2,000 PSI or less) or use our “THREE MINUTE GRAFFITI DISSOLVER”. Other paint removers can be used to remove the graffiti, we recommend citrus based. The water resistant anti-graffiti barrier will remain intact to protect the surface from future vandalism. Please refer to FAQ’s for proper application of the product. Note: High pressure washing and abrasive brushes may be used for removal but will reduce the life expectancy of Graffiti Guard’s water repellence and anti-graffiti barrier.


Bulk pricing available.

Miracle Cover Super

Miracle Cover Super

Miracle Cover Super is designed to be waterproof and vapor retardant membrane (no perm rate) for a variety of surfaces including concrete (uncured) block, wood, and metal. Excellent for both above and below grade applications, ponds and water retainment structures such as gutters and numerous other items. Miracle Cover Super is often used in conjunction with mesh or mat material for repairing cracks, joints, and spalled areas. It may also be utilized as a waterproofing adhesive for production/insulation board or tile and as a base coat for other water-based surface wearing products. Super is also backed by our 5/20 Year Guarantee.


  • Performs as a vapor and water barrier.
  • Non-hazardous, nontoxic, and nonflammable (VOC compliant).
  • Good tensile strength.
  • Excellent elongation and recovery.
  • Exceptional bonding.
  • Not affected by ponded water.
  • Excellent for below grade application and sealing basement leaks

super application

Product Descrption:

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Miracle Cover Super is a medium viscosity, water-based, polymer-modified anionic biyuminous/asphalt emulsion,    which exhibits exceptional bonding, elongation, and waterproofing characteristics. The product is black in color     and resembles a thin roofing tar, it is not tar just looks like it. It does NOT dry clear.

Technical Data (SDS)

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Initial Cure: 10 Minutes
Final Cure: 24 to 48 hours
Tensile Strength: 319.08 PSI
Elongation: 1,300%
Resilience: 98% (Recovery)
Moisture Vapor Transmission: .01 gm/ft2/hr
Impermeability to Water: Up to 36 PSI (One foot of water creates 1/2 PSI. Therefore it is impermeable to 72 feet of water.).
Bonding: Pull of force 341 PSI
Resistance to Acids: Hydrochloric – 13%, Acetic – 30%, Sulfuric – 13%
Temperature Effect: Stable / 248° F, Flexible / -70° F.

*Complete Safety Data Sheet available for download


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Product should be applied above 40° F.
            A test area should always be done to verify compatibility of substrate with product.

            Solvent-based products should not be applied over this product.
            During warm weather application in 10 mil layers is recommended.
            Miracle Cover Super should not be applied to cold tar and solvent based coatings.

5-Year Warranty:

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MIRACLE COVER INC. warrants this product to be free of defects in material and manufacturing for a period of five years from the date of purchase. In the event of a claim for warranty, MIRACLE COVER INC. will replace the product free of charge, including freight, or at its option, refund the purchaser the price paid as evidenced by the purchaser’s receipt.

Material Storage:

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Miracle Cover Super should be stored out of the weather and at temperatures between 45° and 100° F in their original tightly sealed containers and must be kept from freezing at all times. Close the Miracle Cover Super after each use.


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  1. Preparation must include, but not limited to:
    All surfaces should be dry and free of loose materials, release oils, and other contaminants.
    A test should always be done prior to application using the same cleaning and application procedures to be used on the project.

Cleaning can be accomplished by many different methods, such as sandblasting, water-blasting, or other suitable means to make the surface free of dirt, grease, oil, coatings, and other materials which would interfere with adhesion and curing.

Miracle Cover Super will not harm most surfaces if immediately removed. Protective care should be taken for easy cleanup. Landscape in the immediate area should be covered.

  1. Application:
    Should be applied in accordance with specific application specifications.

    Miracle Cover Super may be applied by roller or brush on vertical surfaces (basement and retaining walls). For best results, application should be in two equal (wet) layers to achieve a 40 mil (dry) membrane. Allow approximately one hour between coats of Miracle Cover Super if needed. Ensure sills, brick ledges, and footings are covered.

 Miracle Cover Super may be applied by roller or brush on horizontal (concrete and wood decks). It may be applied in one, two, or three (wet) layers depending upon the substrate to achieve a 20 mil, 40 mil, 60 mil (dry) membrane. Allow approximately one hour between coats be sure that all expansion joints and seams are completely filled.

Curing time will vary according to temperature and humidity. Allow 24 to 48 hours for full adhesion before back filling, overlaying, or painting.
Cracks and joints should be filled and spanned with mesh prior to final coat application.
Water-based paints and coatings as well as wood flooring, tile, and linoleum may be applied over and will bond to the Miracle Cover Super membrane.
Application shall not commence during inclement weather or when precipitation appears imminent or in extreme temperatures.

  1. Limitations: Should be applied to clean and dry surfaces. Adjacent areas and surfaces should be protected from contact with the product.
  • Product should be applied above 40° F.
  • A test area should always be done to verify compatibility of substrate with product.
  • Solvent-based products should not be applied over this product.
  • During warm weather application in 10 mil layers is recommended.
  • Miracle Cover Super should not be applied to cold tar and/or solvent based coatings.

D. Cleaning:
Clean all tools with kerosene/gasoline and/or oil-based cleaners.

Bulk pricing available.

Miracle Concrete Color

Miracle Concrete Color

Concrete Stain Additive

Miracle Cover’s Concrete Stain Additive is designed to be a decorative and protective ad-mixture for Miracle Cover which will provide attractive colored finishes and extended UV protection to concrete. It is a specially formatted emulsion binder system which secures pigment and UV stabilizing additive on the exterior of the substrate.


  • It enhances the appearance of concrete.
  • Provides decorative and protective solution to weathering.
  • Provides extremely durable coloring surfaces.
  • Has extensive breathability, allowing air to escape from substrate.
  • Provides excellent water-repelling characteristics for long term protection.
  • Has extended resistance to salts, chemicals, mildew, UV rays, and other liquids.

Basic Available Colors:

concrete stain colors

concrete stain

Additional colors like grey, nutmeg, mahogany, ginger and redwood are available. Under special circumstances we may be able to customize a specific color. For information and questions contact our office.

Colors should not be selected from this website as they may not accurately depict actual colors.

Technical Data:

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Concrete colors can be mixed and matched to give desired color blend.

                  Custom colors can be attempted upon special consideration.

                  For surface coverage see the chart under the Miracle Cover product the color is being added to.

                  Curing time is 24 hours depending upon the humidity.

                  2oz required per gallon of product.

Application and preparation:

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The following must include, but is not limited to:

  • All surfaces should be dry and free of loose materials, release oils, and other contaminants. It should be applied to clean and dry surfaces for best results.
  • Power washing is the recommended method for cleaning and surface preparation.
  • Adjacent surfaces should be protected from contact with the product. Cover and protect all surfaces not to be treated (i.e. glass, painted surfaces, and shrubbery). Immediately wash off any material on non-treated surfaces with mineral spirits or water.
  • Should not be applied when inclement weather appears imminent.
  • Should not be applied where vapor barrier is required.
  • Always apply to saturation level for best results. On vertical surface, allow a minimum 8-inch rundown. Excess material should be brushed into the surface to prevent slipperiness.
  • A test area should always be done to verify compatibility of concrete with product and verify desired color.
  • Curing time is 24 hours depending upon the humidity.
  • Mixing ratio is 2oz of Concrete Stain Additive to one gallon of Miracle Cover.

You can apply the Miracle Cover with Concrete Stain Additive with a low pressure sprayer, brush, or roller.

The Sq/Ft coverage is dependent upon the substrate and the Type of Miracle Cover product being used. See the specific product application chart as a reference.

Bulk pricing available.

Miracle Wood Stain

Miracle Wood Stain

Miracle Cover Wood Stain Additive is designed to be a decorative and protective ad-mixture for Miracle Cover which will provide attractive colored finishes and extended UV protection to the substrate. It is a specially formatted emulsion binder system which secures pigment and UV stabilizing additive on the exterior of the substrate. These are semi-transparent stains that will reveal texture and grain in the wood.


  • It enhances the appearance of many substrates.
  • Provides decorative and protective solution to weathering.
  • Provides extremely durable coloring surfaces.
  • Has extensive breathability, allowing air to escape from substrate.
  • Provides excellent water-repelling characteristics for long term protection and has extended resistance to salts, chemicals, mildew, UV rays, and other liquids due to combination with Miracle Cover.

Wood StainTreated Deck

Additional colors like grey, nutmeg are available. Under special circumstances we may be able to customize a specific color. For information and questions contact our office. 

Colors should not be selected from this website as they may not accurately depict actual colors.

Technical Data:

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                  Wood stain colors can be mixed and matched to give desired color blend.

                  Custom colors can be attempted upon special consideration.

                  For surface coverage see the chart under the Miracle Cover product the color is being added to.

                  Curing time is 24 hours depending upon the humidity.

                  8oz required per gallon of product.

Application and preparation:

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The following must include, but is not limited to:

  • All surfaces should be dry and free of loose materials, release oils, and other contaminants. It should be applied to clean and dry surfaces for best results.
  • Use Miracle Cover’s Wood Cleaner or Power washing is the recommended method for cleaning and surface preparation.
  • Should not be applied when inclement weather appears imminent.
  • Adjacent surfaces should be protected from contact with the product. Cover and protect all surfaces not to be treated (i.e. glass, painted surfaces, and shrubbery). Immediately wash off any material on non-treated surfaces with mineral spirits or water.
  • Should not be applied where vapor barrier is required.
  • Always apply to saturation level for best results. On vertical surface, allow a minimum 8-inch rundown. Excess material should be brushed into the surface to prevent slipperiness.
  • Care should be taken over substrates containing water soluble pigments.
  • Paint adhesion after application may be difficult unless paint contains Miracle Cover or silicone.
  • Curing time is 24 hours depending upon the humidity.
  • A test area should always be done to verify compatibility of wood with product and verify desired color.
  • Mixing ratio is 8oz of Wood Stain Additive to one gallon of Miracle Cover.


You can apply the Miracle Cover with Wood Stain Additive with a low pressure sprayer, brush, or roller.

The Sq/Ft coverage is dependent upon the substrate and the Type of Miracle Cover product being used. See the specific product application chart as a reference.

Miracle Cover Wood Cleaner

Wood cleaner not only cleans and degreases but it opens the pours to give Miracle cover the ability to penetrate deeper into the wood.

Quart – 54.89

Gallon – 195.00

Miracle Cover Wood Renew

Renew damaged and weather wood closer to its original look. Wood Renew also softens the wood to allow deeper penetration of Miracle Cover products.

Quart – 54.89

Gallon – 195.00

UV Additive

Although Miracle Cover in unaffected by UV rays and inhibits their damaging effect on the substrate , rays still penetrate and over time discolor and possibly harm your surface. This additive helps give further protection to your surface, prolonging its natural beauty, in addition to the already UV inhibiting properties of Silicone Rubber.

2oz – 13.99

Quart – 139.00

Gallon – 499.00

Combo Mildew/UV Additive

Another additive to enhance the already protective properties of Miracle Cover. Along with added protection of your surface from UV rays this also helps prevent algae from adhering to the surface. A 2 in 1 attack against the sun and elements harming your substrate. Great for marine applications!

2oz – 20.98

Quart – 260.00

Gallon – 890.00

Bulk pricing available.

graffiti removal

Miracle Cover Graffiti Remover

3-5 Minutes Graffiti Remover

Miracle Cover Graffiti Guard Remover is a biodegradable ecologically acceptable graffiti remover. It is designed to work best when used in conjunction with our Miracle Cover Graffiti Guard product coating.

Miracle Cover Graffiti Guard Remover may also be used alone on many non-porous surfaces to remove most if not all types of unwanted graffiti in one single application.

Miracle Cover Graffiti Guard Remover may be applied with a Roller, Brush, Garden Sprayer or Airless Sprayer directly on the Graffiti. Allow our remover to work on the graffiti from two to five minutes. Agitate the graffiti with a nylon brush to help remove the graffiti. Wash the area with water to remove the residue.

Safety Requirements:

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The Miracle Cover Graffiti Product should be used in a ventilated area. When applying, utilize protective gloves for hands and goggles for your eye protection. When storing isolate from oxidizers, heat, sparks, electric equipment and open flame. Keep lid closed oil container when not in use for extended life of product.

Emergency & First Aid Protection:

For Eyes: Wash with water for 15 minutes and get medical attention.

For Skin: Remove contaminated clothing and wash with soap and water.

For inhalation: Remove to fresh air area.

Ingestion: Get medical attention. Do not induce vomiting.

Bulk pricing available.

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4795 Dana Dr., La Mesa, CA 91942

Mailing Address

PO Box 15652, San Diego, CA 92175

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